My Mission
As a Personal Stylist Image Consultant my mission is to guide and empower my clients toward the best vision of themselves, by directing them to discover their own unique personal style, and how to use it effectively.

I love nothing more than to show my clients how they can effortlessly look and feel their personal best! My clients are of every age and lifestyle. I serve them with great passion and care. Thank you for visiting my website. Please feel free to contact me for a full list of my services, and any promotions that I may be offering.
I began this journey with almost 30 years of formation, dedication, practice, and experience. I became a certified Personal Stylist & Image Consultant with the world renowned academy Colour Me Beautiful in London. In addition, I have completed my certification as an image consultant and personal shopper, under Italian pioneer Cinzia Fasseta academy Style&Shop in Venice Italy. I am also certified in the Color Me Beautiful U.S. branch using the Four Season Method. This has enabled me to qualify as a member of the Association of Image Consultants International AICI.
My background started in luxury retail while studying interior decorating and design, this was and still is a true passion of mine. After completing my design course, I transitioned into working in the home decor industry for many years. I was fortunate to have worked with several international interior designers and fine furniture makers. From being surrounded by beauty and perfection constantly I was able to create and sharpen my skills, showing me how to develop an eye for elegance and symmetry. I am British and have lived most of life in Milan Italy and now reside in the beautiful city of San Diego California.
I have participated in various seminars and attended many retreats to learn from some of the best lifestyle coaches such as Tony Robbins, Jason Vale the "Juicemaster", and T.Harv Ecker. Being an avid reader I used to enjoy the works of diverse holistic and metaphysical authors, mainly but not solely from Hay House publishing house. Since I found my faith again in Jesus I have become a Christian and spend most of my Sundays at my local church.